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Child Sexual Abuse Survivors Push for Change in Hollywood


The "toxic culture" of Hollywood has come under recent scrutiny as adult survivors of child sexual misconduct come forward. The issue of child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry was pushed into the spotlight after allegations surfaced against Harvey Weinstein. As discussed in our previous blog, a growing band of victims are releasing their stories of child sexual misconduct against the movie mogul.

The bravery of these survivors has ignited a sudden awareness in the public. Child sexual abuse in Hollywood has been on the front page of major news outlets for weeks now. An increasing number of adult actresses and actors are coming forward to discuss their own experiences. How will their efforts affect Hollywood culture and standards for child actors?

More survivors come forward

Since accusations against Harvey Weinstein surfaced, a number of people in the entertainment industry are being held accountable for accusations of child sexual misconduct and abuse. Actor Kevin Spacey and APA agent Tyler Grasham both face accusations of child sexual misconduct from now adult members of the entertainment industry. Kevin Spacey issued a public apology on Twitter. The LAPD is currently investigating Tyler Grasham. The Los Angeles-based APA agency reacted by firing him.

Child star, Corey Feldman, has discussed child sexual abuse in Hollywood for decades. Soon after accusations against Weinstein surfaced, Feldman called out to members of the Hollywood community. He asks them to come forward with their own stories. He decided to start a $10 million crowdfunding campaign to create a documentary about pedophilia in the entertainment community.

Igniting change in Hollywood

Corey Feldman hopes that his work will ignite change in Hollywood by uncovering powerful figures in the entertainment community who are linked to sexual misconduct with children. Ideally change will manifest in reforms to protect children working in the entertainment industry. Big movie studios could step forward to create new standards such as thorough background checks for all employees.

Hollywood actors and actresses coming forward about past abuse prompted the popular #metoo campaign on Facebook. The hashtag was first shared years ago, but turned into a viral movement after Alyssa Milano tweeted a call out to victims of sexual assault and misconduct. Men and women alike shared their stories, growing to millions of posts around the world. The movement brought people together with a sentiment that they are not ashamed or alone in their experiences.

Sharing painful experiences with loved ones can help survivors of abuse to move forward. Identifying and holding perpetrators accountable can provide an extra measure of healing. Ultimately, holding abusers legally accountable is essential to prevent them from committing criminal acts in the future.
