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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

Why Am I Experiencing Flashbacks Now?


If you are wondering why you are experiencing horrific flashbacks of your childhood now, it could be a complicated explanation involving a number of factors. It could be a potential defense mechanism that locked away horrible memories of abuse or rape. It could be the lack of triggers that would have unlocked what you experienced as a child or teen.

Nevertheless, the nightmares, anxiety and other symptoms of PTSD can come crashing down suddenly, leading to destructive behavior and even more pain.

Indeed, the point of our justice system is to punish wrongs committed against individuals and society as a whole, but as a victim of abuse, you may not want to participate in the process because it may mean re-living those painful instances that you have grown to repress.

As an experienced lawyer and psychologist, Dr. Joseph C. George understands the pain that many child sex abuse victims go through, especially if they have repressed painful memories from years ago. The fact that you have “played your part” to avoid the shame and humility of being judged, even though you are the victim, doesn’t mean that your abuser is exempt from justice. An experienced attorney and counselor can guide you through the legal process and protect you from destructive mental pain that can come with bringing an abuser to justice.

Yes, being a survivor of child sexual abuse is not an easy thing to deal with. It may have been years since the incidents, but the memories tend not to go away. If you have questions about how Dr. George can help, we look forward to answering them.
