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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

New Pedophile Priest Lawsuit is Filed

Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D. logo over image of church pews

Cleric allegedly sexually violated the 8 year old boy

Other victims are “urged to come forward, file reports & get help

Group blasts two northern California Catholic bishops

One has an ‘accused predator’ list that’s incomplete, SNAP says

The other is one of the few US dioceses that is still hiding perp names


Holding signs and childhood photos at a sidewalk news conference, an attorney and an abuse victim will

--reveal that a new civil case is being filed against the Archdiocese of San Francisco and Diocese of San Jose, thanks to a new state law that takes effect next month, and

They will also demand that the San Jose bishop

--add more names to his ‘credibly accused clerics’ list,

--stop hiding abuse reports for months or years and instead, for the safety of kids, disclose such reports promptly, and

--start doing ‘aggressive outreach’ to find and help others who were victimized by clerics and are still ‘suffering in shame, silence and self-blame.’

And they will also demand that the San Francisco archbishop “stop stalling” and release his list of ‘credibly accused clerics.’


Friday, Dec. 6th at 10:15 a.m,.


On the sidewalk outside the San Jose diocese’s headquarters (chancery or pastoral center), 1150 N. First St (corner of Burton Ave.) in San Jose


A Missouri man who for 30 years headed SNAP (the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) and a California attorney/psychologist who has handled hundreds of childhood sexual abuse


1) From 1956 until the late 1970s, Fr. Joseph T. Pritchard stands accused of abusing at least nineteen youngsters, including his nephew. He’s being sued now by a northern California man (filing as John Doe 120) who was sexually violated by Fr. Pritchard at St. Martin of Tours in San Jose in 1976.

Beginning in 2002, at least 23 lawsuits were filed against Fr. Pritchard and his church superiors. Starting in 2005, ten of those suits were settled for $21.2 million and later another 12 cases were settled for $16 million.

Ordained in 1948, Fr. Pritchard spent his career in seven northern California cities: St. Brendan's in San Francisco (1953), Bishop O'Dowd High School in Oakland (1953-1956), Serra High School for Boys in San Mateo (1970), St. Cyprian's in Sunnyvale (1970-1971), St. Martin's in San Jose (1971-1979), St. Nicholas in Los Altos (1979-1988), and the Residential Park for the Aged in Seven Oaks (1979-1988). In Los Altos, he shared a rectory with Fr. Phillip E. McCrillis who was also accused of abusing two girls and is on the San Jose diocesan ‘credibly accused’ list.

Fr. Pritchard also had two unusual assignments: Diocesan Commission on Church Music (1949-1953) and Special Assistance Ministry Board Chairman (1986-1988).

Originally a priest of the San Francisco archdiocese, he became a San Jose cleric when that diocese split off from San Francisco in 1981. Fr. Pritchard died in 1988. His photo is available at, along with a more detailed work history.

According to the Mercury News “Twenty men and one woman reported in 2002-2003 that Pritchard had molested them as children in the 1970s, while he was pastor of St. Martin's. Pritchard is said to have spent time in a treatment facility in the Midwest after leaving that parish.”

As a child, Doe “developed great admiration, trust, reverence and respect for, and obedience to, Roman Catholic clergy, who occupied positions of great influence and persuasion as holy men and authority figures,” according to the lawsuit. After the abuse, he “suffered and continues to suffer extreme mental, emotional and physical health problems,” the suit says.

Born in 1968 Doe is now 51. His suit, filed in San Francisco County court, seeks unspecified damages.

2) In Oct. 2018, San Jose church officials released a list of ‘credibly accused’ abusive clerics. (Fr. Pritchard is on it.)

SNAP believes many others are missing and contends that the list should be expanded to include ALL credibly accused child molesting church staff – nuns, seminarians, brothers, monks, bishops, teachers, volunteers and other lay employee – and those who sexually assault or harass vulnerable adults as well.

3) In May, Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced an investigation into abuse in California dioceses. Victims are urging “anyone with information or suspicions about clergy sex crimes and cover ups – however old, small, vague or seemingly insignificant it may feel – to contact the AG (


Dr. Joseph C. George, PhD 916 641 7300,

David Clohessy 314 566 9790,
