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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

When It Comes to Sexual Abuse Suspicions, Trust Your Child


Children tend to collectively share a bundle of attributes.

They are generally joyful. They are inquisitive and love to learn. They are social beings.

They are not manipulators.

Of course, every kid will occasionally test mom and dad, but young people from toddlers to older juveniles aren't typically out to con their parents or other people they communicate with. As a recent child-focused article notes, "Children rarely make up fake stories."

And that is why it is critically important to believe a child who comes forward with information that reasonably suggests that he or she is being sexually abused by a third party.

The above-cited U.S. News & World Report spotlighting of child sexual abuse reveals just how hard it is for most children to open up to their parents concerning a frightening and painful reality that they do not really understand. They often feel that relating one or more troubling experiences will only bring more fear and uncertainty into their lives. They are understandably afraid of their perpetrator, and sometimes fear parental disbelief.

That collectivity of concerns spells sheer horror to a child and makes it an imperative that parents have both ears wide open when talk turns to a subject that is at all sensitive or unusual.

The aforementioned article makes a number of relevant points concerning child sexual abuse (most notably signals that children might be sending) that parents and other loving care providers might reasonably want to closely consider. They can peruse specifics through accessing the above-provided link.

If you suspect anything untoward concerning your child and an individual who just might a sexual predator, take immediate action by officially reporting it.

A proven child sexual abuse attorney/professional clinical psychologist can provide further information and help a family take appropriate steps to ensure accountability, healing and a maximum legal recovery in response to criminal wrongdoing.
