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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

April Spotlights a Tremendously Important Child-Linked Issue


A recent media article on the scourge of child abuse in California notes the state's expansive law addressing that malady. It underscores that abuse "involves the maltreatment, injury or exploitation of a person under 18 years old, either physically, sexually, emotionally or through neglect."

There is no question that the legislative thrust of that edict is both serious and comprehensive. The abuse of the state's youngest and most vulnerable demographic is a sorely pressing and sad topic. Children need to be protected, and no resources should be spared in promoting that cherished objective.

Although California regulators, law enforcers, youth advocates, educators, parents and legions of other caring persons obviously pursue the goal in good faith, shortcomings are evident.

Here is implicit proof of that. A recently released report issued by a prominent nonprofit group notes the submission to federal authorities of 1,785 child abuse reports in Los Angeles County during 2016.

We surmise that many readers of our pro-victims' child sexual abuse blog at the Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D., will immediately see that data in terms of gross underreporting. After all, it equates to fewer than five abuse-linked reports on an average day across a sprawling area with many millions of residents.

More needs to be done. Although it might strike some as a limited and largely symbolic measure, it seems unarguably helpful that authorities have designated April as Child Abuse Prevention Month nationwide.

Small steps -- all steps - that seek to enhance the public's knowledge of a flatly huge problem are key in fostering remedial strategies and fostering solutions.

Our children certainly thank us for every effort taken to more effectively combat child abuse.
