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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

Lots of Focal -- and Concerning -- Points in This Sex-Offender Story


Although sex offenders targeting children have unique characteristics and tailored strategies, of course, their personal stories often merge in material ways, too.

News reports that have recently emerged concerning one California predator readily bear that out.

An arrest warrant was recently issued for that individual in Washington State, where he has been charged with multiple counts of child rape regarding an incident that occurred back in 2000.

Notably, and as it true in many stories regarding child predators, the criminal record of the accused is far from confined to a single instance or locale.

In fact, his tale has a close -- and disturbing -- California nexus, marked by repeated heinous behavior against children. The 36-year-old male was convicted of child molestation in Monterey County in 2008 and additionally sentenced to a probationary term earlier this year for a felony child molestation offense in Butte County.

Unsurprisingly, the offender has long been involved with an occupation that easily instills respect and trust in young and vulnerable individuals.

In his case, that is law enforcement. The man was an ex-California Highway Patrol officer. It is a common finding in many child sex abuse cases that a perpetrator is employed in a field such as teaching, coaching, mentoring, religious instruction, medicine or other authority-tinged position. It is not hard to see how a uniformed law enforcer can easily command the attention of children.

Moving among various states is also something that authorities commonly note with serial sex offenders, who seek to exploit inconsistencies in reporting and follow-up supervision. That was certainly the case with the former California patrol officer.

There is one additional point to note regarding the offender's case, as follows.

As stated above, his Washington-based offense relates back to a 17-year-old occurrence. In some instances, alleged misconduct can be immune from prosecution or a civil complaint because of so-called statutes of limitation that require legal claims to be brought within a specified period.

In other words, time can be of the essence when it comes to seeking justice against a criminal predator.

Questions or concerns regarding any aspect of child sexual abuse can be confidentially directed to a proven law firm that works solely on behalf of victims and their empowerment.
