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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

Why Sex Abuse Victims Have Destructive Habits


For those who have not experienced the psychological trauma that a rape can bring, it may be difficult to understand how pervasive the pain can be and how long it can persist. There are countless stories of people who go to great lengths to numb or block out the pain they feel because of their attack, as well as those who develop destructive habits because of the shame they feel because they were treated so badly.

To put it in perspective, rape can be psychologically devastating to the victim. It is as if the victim is irreparably poisoned and disconnected from their soul. In order to survive, they essentially become convinced that they must live their lives as a different person. To achieve this, victims are apt to turn to destructive vices such as alcohol and drugs.

Given that backdrop, it is just as important to seek psychological care as it is seeking justice for the act committed. Indeed, a criminal punishment may serve the purpose of society punishing the attacker but it does little to heal the victim’s wounds. Also, the victim has likely lived in their own prison for years before the criminal act is heard in court. With that, a sex abuse victim can benefit from a counselor who understands the legal process as well as the shame and horror the victim feels and can help him or her embark on their own road to personal redemption.

If you have additional questions about Dr. George and how he can help sex abuse victims, we invite you to contact us.
