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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

What the Recent LAPD Scandal Should Say About Abuse


Among the many duties that police officers who work for the LAPD have is protecting minors. However, there are officers who take advantage of the trust granted to them and abuse young people. Arguably the most serious charge is one where an officer manipulates a young person into a sexual relationship, knowing how impressionable and vulnerable they can be.

A recent incident involving an officer who was a 10-year veteran of the force ended in an arrest for reportedly having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old cadet. The officer is a member of the LAPD’s 77th Street Division, which has been marred in controversy after teen cadets reportedly stole several vehicles and led officers on chases. It has also been reported that the cadets stopped citizens and impersonated officers, and stole bulletproof vests.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck personally made the arrest, reasoning that a message needed to be sent regarding destructive behavior within the force.

For as much news being generated about police corruption, a teenage girl will have their world completely torn apart and scrutinized because of her relationship with a 31-year-old police officer. While the relationship is currently labeled as consensual, there undoubtedly will be emotional trauma that must be addressed.

A lawyer experienced in handling child sex abuse cases, who is also a counselor is an ideal choice in situations where a minor is sexually abused by an authority figure. Not only are there legal rights to be protected, but psychological healing is necessary as well.

The preceding is not legal advice and is presented for informational purposes only.
